My Review on FalixNodes Limited
I'm Korbs, known as one of the managers at FalixNodes Limited. Also known for building the help center and our optional desktop software.
FalixNodes Limited, a company that says it offers servers for free without compromise. Well, that doesn't seem to be the case at all, from what I keep hearing over and over from our customers.
Our platform seems to spit a lot of connection errors for a lot of users, making it difficult for our customers to manage a server for their projects or communities.
I'm always hoping we can get an improvement with the internet speeds on our nodes, but it doesn't seem that time is coming soon. Our hardware is fine, it's just we don't know how to limit the number of users and servers that run on per node, so they result in getting overloaded.
As for our design choices when it comes to the user interface, it's poorly inconstant. The design is different everywhere, I try to keep the same color scheme and such on my stuff like software and help center, but something needs to be done about the other places like Client and Game panel. We need to at least keep the same design on every page, or it feels like a completely different site.
Speaking of design choices, there are small key things missing from our user interface, which is supposed to give clear communication on what is happening. In this case, if someone were to create or maybe delete a server, a loading bar showing progress would have been nice to see indicating that something is happening. Confirm button would have also been nice to add when deleting a server, but no, once you click delete(even by mistake), it's gone.
As for our owner, known as Lamaker(now Lily for whatever reason), he is very unmatured, I would like to see some changes in his life and to his behavior at the least.
So what should FalixNodes Limited do to improve?
When making announcements, they should also be posted on the client and panel domains, that way everyone reads them. Not everyone looks at the announcements channel on the Discord server.
Why do I still work at this unprofessional company?
Because some of my personal projects became a part of the company like the optional desktop software and our help center. I like to keep these projects the way I want to, so it doesn't get messed up by these backend developers.
Update (March 15th, 2021):
I try to show as much transparency as possible, so I do want to say some things I would like to say about myself since I am part of this company.
I am the manager of our help center and have chosen to do revamp it recently because I've done poorly to keep it up to date and provide enough and clear information. Hopefully, once the revamping is done, I've done better on providing enough and clear information for our customers to read and understand.
Our YouTube, I would like to make longer videos and as I mentioned about our help center, provide more information on what I am doing in these videos. So, our next video should be about Dynmaps as it has been suggested, so I'll try to explain the purpose behind this plugin and go in-depth about how to use it.
Our option desktop software, something I've put a lot of work into over the past couple of years, has been improved slightly. But I would like to admit, that yes the past versions were poorly looked into for performance testing. Yes, the software was very laggy for a lot of customers who were interested in using the software. It even managed to lag on the new M1 Macs that Apple has made recently last year. Performance has been improved a bunch in our beta stages of v2.3.0, but I do not want to make the same mistake as last time, so I'll be testing performance on all available computers I have access to, along with VMs. Also will see about performance on customers' computers.
Update (April 12th, 2021):
Yep, that's right! We recenlty had a security breach in our database which leaked IPs, Discord IDs, emails, panel passwords(not Discord), etc. This lead to our Lamaker, our owner, to force resetting all of the passwords in our database.
Along side the sercurity breach, our Discord server was recenlty raid a couple day before it. During this time, I was inactive for the week as I got caught up in some stuff.
The Discord raid was cause by a mananger giving admin access to a member, who didn't deserve the admin access in the first place. This member, who got the access, started deleting every channel and role the server contained.
This give me more thoughts about how our Discord server is handled:
Poor management and security. Roles and such of FalixNodes' Discord needs to be strict about how it's managed. The permission of even giving a role should now only been done by Lamaker, to prevent future raids like the one that happened this week.
Also Lamaker, the owner of FalixNodes, needs to step down from the company. Because of drama.gg, Lamaker is hurting the brand of this company. Also, Exotical legally owns FalixNodes last time I checked.